Posts tagged "photocopier sickness"

Photocopier Sickness

When purchasing a photocopier, it’s best to choose one from a leading, reputable manufacturer and make sure you opt for a respected supplier in terms of servicing and maintenances.

Suffice it to say, photocopiers must be placed in well-ventilated areas where exhausts do not pass over employees and when placed alongside other devices, an environmental assessment could be required to make sure emissions do not exceed safe levels.

Majority of modern ones feature air filters and air flow systems that can tremendously lower ozone emissions well below the OEL. There are photocopiers now that feature ‘direct charge’, and this charge the photocopier drum directly and dodge the high voltage air exchange which makes the ozone.

Regular servicing of photocopiers as well as photocopier filter changes gives insurance that internal dust levels do not increase electrostatic activity and cause extra ozone emissions. Yet again, good ventilation as well as high quality filters should limit this.

Toner could be released from photocopier vents and where equipment is poorly maintained, it can back up from the waste compartment and could actually be emitted from a photocopier in substantial amounts. Majority of toners that are utilized in photocopiers these days have few hazardous substances.

Toners do usually have amounts of up to 7% carbon black, and this could be a nuisance dust that could irritate the skin and even lungs. If you heat it in a low oxygen atmosphere, carbon monoxide could be yielded from carbon black and this can bring about headaches, drowsiness, faintness and increased pulse rates. To remind you again, regular maintenance of photocopiers and good ventilation would appear to be very important.

Same with ozone in its origins and effects, nitrogen oxide is created when there is a high voltage discharge in the air. When it comes to its effects on health, again they are almost identical to carbon monoxide at the lower end of the spectrum and can bring about headaches and an increased pulse rate.

Be careful in everything that you use. You’ll never know, that thing you deem helpful on a daily basis might just cause you the biggest and most serious health problem in the long run.

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Posted by UsedCopiers - August 7, 2014 at 12:28 pm

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